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Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm baaack

First let me apologize for my hiatus.  My trip to South Beach was work then play, so I was insanely busy.  I barley had time to pee let alone blog.  But, I'm back and have lots of new and improved stuff for everyone. 

Let's begin with South Beach.  Once my work was complete, I had a whole weekend with my new love.  We started our week with him giving me gorgeous roses for Valentines Day and ended the week with him buying me a stunning dress and some other clothing items. Just between us, he could have came back to the room with a pack of gum and I would have been thrilled.  The fact that he went out on a shopping mission in Miami just for me made me ridiculously happy, it is perhaps the cutest thing a man has ever done for me. Coming out of the marriage from hell, and then dating Peter Pan/the world's cheapest guy I was in bliss.  While I am not a materialistic person, everyone likes to be courted by a handsome man.  And when that handsome man, is what appears to be a really nice guy that's genuine well that is a bonus.

I've been dating "him" for the past 5 months, and I've been beyond cautious.  After being together for an entire week, I have decided to finally let my guard down.  And for someone like me, this is not an easy task.  The fear of getting hurt again is huge, but the fear of never finding the true Mr. Right is even bigger.  For the first time EVER, I spent an entire week with another man and not ONCE did I think of my ex husband, etc.  It was the greatest feeling ever.  We would go out and truly enjoy one another's company, I wasn't worried about anything but that moment.  This is a major milestone for me.

I can tell you that after spending this week in South Beach with new love aka NL, I came home ready to start a new chapter in my life.  After spending an entire marriage building walls and living in fear, I'm finally ready to take a stab at being "normal"  I have no idea what God has in store for me, I can only hope and pray that at the end of this road is happiness.

Tomorrow, I promise will be the long anticipated blog on Lucifer and his infidelity. 


  1. Glad you had a good time in South Beach. I am really glad you feel comfortable with the NL that you are able to let your guard down. I hope and pray this relationship is everything you need and want it to be Lisa. Good Luck! *HUGS*

  2. Thank you ; ) I'm crossing fingers, toes and any other body parts than can be crossed with NL... Only time will tell I guess.
